A short one on monthly costs associated with WVD in preview
Just in case you might be wondering what it takes to run a (very) small WVD environment on Azure, here’s my breakdown from the last couple of months – resource and cost-wise.
When trying out the Windows Virtual Desktop (today), keep the following in mind
A lot of companies offer free support while you evaluate their software. The idea behind this is simple. If you don’t know how the product works, how to implement or configure it etc, there is a good chance you’ll eventually quit because it might seem overly complex, and you can’t get it to work (properly).…
The Windows Virtual Desktop – what we know so far. 83 facts listed
Throughout the last couple of months a lot has been said (and shown) about and around the Windows Virtual Desktop, so much that I thought a summary would be in place. Do note that I’m relying on what’s publicly available or what I’ve picked up from hearsay. In case of the latter I will make…
The need of doing User Environment Management on (all) your digital workspaces… and not just virtual
Throughout the years I have had the pleasure of visiting dozens of companies to talk about their ‘digital workspace’ challenges. Projects ranged from thousands of users/machines to just a few hundred. Some of these challenges were related to physical desktops, some to virtual, some were on-premises, some were cloud-based. I’ve worked for retail companies, financial,…
Windows applications still rule the universe, on-premises SBC/VDI deployments are still king, cloud on the rise
Last month (May 2018) Login VSI and Frame presented the results of their State of the VDI and SBC union world-wide survey – the 2018 edition. Mark Plettenberg (Product Manager at Login VSI) and Ruben Spruijt (CTO at Frame) have put together a 66-page document holding all kinds of interesting VDI and SBC related statistics.…
Synergy 2018: Per-user Outlook search indexing and OST caching options. What was announced? High level cheat sheet included.
During Citrix Synergy a ton of new and exciting announcements were made. I wasn’t there to witness it myself but luckily, I was able to enjoy the Keynote (amongst other sessions and announcements) from a sunny and warm terrace (cold beers included) since the weather here in the Netherlands was some of the best we’ve…
The Easy Button – A story about Corruption, Portability, Office 365, User Profile bloat, ProfileDisk, non-persistent Data Indexing and more…
20 Min. read – User profiles have been around for many years. According to Wikipedia the user-profiling scheme in force today owes its origins to Windows NT, which stored its profiles within the system folder itself, typically under C:\WINNT\Profiles\. Windows 2000 saw the change to a separate “Documents and Settings” folder for profiles, and in this…
The future looks bright for User Environment and Workspace Management
ProfileUnity is hot, there’s no denying. Everywhere I go partners and (potentially new) customers keep asking for demos, and as soon as I show them a thing or two they are eager to get their hands dirty. In fact, the number of trial licenses I have been handing out throughout the last couple of weeks…
Probleem – Windows 10 blijkt niet het beloofde ‘One OS to rule them all’. Gebruikersprofiel versies blijven wijzigen
Ruim twee jaar geleden was het zo ver, Microsoft kwam met Windows 10 (en niet veel later Windows Server 2016) en schreeuwde het van de daken. Niet langer zouden we ons zorgen hoeven maken om nieuwe versies van het Windows desktop besturingssysteem. Windows 10 is en blijft de laatste, op de gebruikelijke jaarlijkse updates na.…
Probleem – Microsoft Office 365: Outlook en OneDrive hebben een blijvende/persistente opslaglocatie nodig
Zodra een gebruiker Outlook opent, worden o.a. berichten (e-mails), zoekresultaten, inclusief de contacten en kalender informatie gedownload in de AppData folder van het zogenaamde gebruikersprofiel. Een blijvende/persistente opslaglocatie t.b.v. het gebruikersprofiel is dus gewenst – anders moet deze informatie iedere keer opnieuw binnengehaald worden, een ongewenste situatie.
Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown prmontserrat took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown prmontserrat took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
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Recent Posts
- The Azure Virtual Desktop Security Guidelines Cheat Sheet – v1.0
- A new hobby – F1 sim racing, console style… on the Xbox Series X
- VDI Drones 3.2 has been released. Find out what’s new
- EUCdigest Podcast S02E04 – Measuring Performance of IT Infrastructure Components
- EUCdigest Podcast S02E03 – ThrowDown February 2021
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