I have news from Nerdio, Sepago, Microsoft, and on a more personal note I’d like to make an WVD related announcement as well.
Throughout the last two months I have been teaming up with a couple of WVD third party vendors, one of which is Nerdio.
Nerdio has a very interesting portfolio. I was, and I am especially interested in their Nerdio Manager for Windows Virtual desktop product, which they released in March of 2020. The traction they have been getting since is enormous, and I can see why.
Knowing many of you, I’m positive you guys are interested in hearing (and seeing) a bit more on this as well.
Next to Nerdio I also have Sepago joining me, who’d also like to spend a few minutes talking about their WVD involvement, including a cool announcement.
Michel Roth – Windows Virtual Desktop Sales Lead EMEA (GBB) – will be on the show as well. He will share with us some of the latest information available around Windows Virtual Desktop.
Finally, I’d like to end with a personal announcement!
In short… if you are into WVD, Azure automation and digital workspaces in general, this will be of interest to you. The webinar will last somewhere between 30 to 45 minutes max.
Make sure to block your agenda using this iCalander (ICS) File it includes the “Join live” link as well.
Go here to join live
Ik hope to see you there!