Average time to read: 4 minutes

Today I am extremely happy and proud to announce that my first ever book is now available for purchase over at Amazon. Continue reading to order your copy.ย Inside Citrix – The FlexCast Management Architecture focuses on the FMA, mainly from an architectural point of view. It will discuss, in detail all of its main components and services, their primary roles and responsibilities, including some of the most common optional components, features and/or closely related technologies. From the basics to deep (er) dives where applicable, I will make sure to include something for everybody. Do note that this book is not meant as an installation and/or how-to manual, instead it will dive deeper into the FMA, the true foundation of Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp.

Topics include but are not limited to: A deep dive into the FMAโ€™s main services, its evolution, a detailed overview on the user authentication, application enumeration and launch processes, Citrix printing, the ICA / HDX protocol, application delivery, MCS, PVS, troubleshooting, some history, fun facts and figures and (much) more. I have concluded each chapter with multiple key takeaways (a few hundred in total) and also included over 100 so-called FMA facts throughout the various chapters. I truly hope you enjoy it and find it of some use.

50% discount on the Kindle and 25% on the Paperback edition – use the links below

– If interested, use the links below to orderย your paperback and/or Kindle copy –

Amazon.comย –ย Amazon.co.ukย Amazon.deย – Amazon.frAmazon.esย – Amazon.itย – India

If, for whatever reason the Amazon.com store doesn’t have my book available, use this link instead:ย https://www.createspace.com/5985010ย it will take you straight to my book and it WILL be available, guaranteed!

I really wanted to get the book ‘out there’ before Synergy, so that’s why I choose this approach. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to speed up the process on the Amazon side. In the end I don’t think it will really matter. If, for whatever reason you want to purchase directly from Amazon.com or Amazon.in I suggest you just wait a few days longer, although India can and probably will take a bit longer. I will make sure to keep on eye on things and let you guys know when it becomes available.

At this time I only have a paperback version available, however, the Kindle version will follow shortly (I’m really working on it). But hey, what beats a โ€˜realโ€™ book, which you can feel, smell and hold in your hands?! Nothing, right? Though Iโ€™m sure some of you will disagree.


By the numbersโ€ฆ

The book is over 500 pages thick and pressed in the well-known (and most popular) 5,5 X 8,5 โ€œ inch format. It includes over 75 images and tables, hundreds of key takeaways, 115+ so-called FMA facts and besides the technical information I have also included a whole bunch of fun and nice to know facts, figures and some history surrounding Citrix and the FMA. Next to that I have re-used some of the best-viewed and most popular blog posts from basvankaam.com, but only related material of course. It consists out of over 103.000 words of which the biggestย part (over 90%) is freshly written, or partly re-written at the very least. And for those who are interested or might be wondering (I know I always do), I used the Garamond font in a 12 pt. size and a line spacing of 1,1, which looks really, really nice!

I truly hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did putting it together and hopefully it will live up to any expectations you might have.

I would like to thank everybody who helped me review some, or all of my material, technical as well as non-technical, the book would not have been the same without you. Again, I would also like to emphasise that I have done the best I can regarding my overall English, spelling, grammar etc., since I am no native speaker. As such I cannot guarantee an error free book, but I promise you; it wonโ€™t be far off! It has been a great learning experience, and I am sure I can improve on several points, which I will going forward.

On multiple occasions I have had the opportunity to work with a professional technical writer (thank you for the offers) but choose not to do so. It is my book, and as such it needs to look, feel and sound (or read) like me, at least thatโ€™s the way I feel. Hopefully that is a good thing.

If you are interested in purchasing larger quantities, let’s say 10+, drop me a line and I’ll provide you with a nice discount.

Again, thank you for being interested in what I have to say and share, the honour is all mine!

To conclude, here is a list of the main chapters / topics discussed throughout the book:

1. About the author
2. Why this book?
3. Who is it for?
4. Scope
5. Is this all still relevant?
6. The evolution of the FMA
7. The FMA, itโ€™s foundation
8. The FMA, main components
9. Delivery Controller
10. The Virtual Delivery Agent
11. StoreFront
12. The Central Site Database
13. The Citrix Receiver
14. Citrix Studio
15. Citrix Director
16. Citrix Licensing
17. Host Connection
18. The NetScaler Gateway and ADC
19. Provisioning Services
20. Machine Creation Services
21. The FMA Core services
22. The ICA / HDX protocol
23. Application Delivery
24. The user login process
25. A deeper look into Citrix printing
26. Troubleshooting the FMA
27. Sizing and storage considerations
28. The Citrix Workspace Cloud
29. The community is strong with this one
30. The end
31. Appendixes A & B

And a whole bunch of sub-chapters and sections.

All the best,


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22 responses to “Available NOW! My book: Inside Citrix – The FlexCast Management Architecture!”

  1. Nathan Joseph Avatar

    Any idea when the book will be available on Amazon in North America? It currently shows as unavailable in both the US and Canada.

    1. Bas van Kaam Avatar

      I hope soon, unfortunately I depend on Amazon to take care of this. You might want to try: https://www.createspace.com/5985010 Availability guaranteed.

    2. Laimheloc Avatar

      I am in North America (Philadelphia) and just received the book from Amazon today.

      1. Bas van Kaam Avatar

        That is really good to hear, thank you!

  2. […] Inside Citrix: The FlexCast Management Architecture – 508 page book from Bas van Kaam (CTP). I haven’t read it yet. […]

  3. Phil Waller Avatar

    Hi Baz, brilliant that you have taken time to write this book, i can imagine its taken up a lot of your time, but this type of thing is invaluable to the likes of me! Not to be too pushy, but how long before the e version is available, only that even though i love the smell and feel of traditional books, i am just running out of space!
    Best regards

    Phil Waller

    1. Bas van Kaam Avatar

      Hi Phil, thanks for the kind words, really appreciate it. Unfortunately I do not have an ETA on the kindle version at this time. Things are not going as planned (but when do they ever, right?). As soon as I get back home from Citrix Synergy I will continue working on it. Still need to figure out a couple of things since this is all new to me.

      1. Phil Waller Avatar

        Hi Baz, just purchased it, i will let you know how the look, feel and smell works out for me :), all the best, Phil

        1. Bas van Kaam Avatar

          That’s great, thank you Phil!

  4. Mianr Avatar

    Can you please tell me when the book will be available in Australia? Can we have epub/Pdf Format?

    1. Bas van Kaam Avatar

      HI, it should become available trough Amazon, the thing is, I am not able to control when etc. that’s up to Amazon. As for the epub/PDF question. Yes, I am working on a kindle version, unfortunately it is not going as planned. At this time I do not have an ETA. I am at Synergy in Las Vegas now, but as soon as I get back home I will continue working on it, Thanks for your interest!

      Best regards,


      1. Mianr Avatar

        Just bought your books from Amazon US. Thank you

        1. Bas van Kaam Avatar

          Great! I really hope you like it, let me know what you think!

          1. Mianr Avatar

            I am still waiting for the delivery from US amazon to Australia. I think this book will be a great resource for me based on the knowledge you share in this blog. Thank you…

          2. Bas van Kaam Avatar

            Thanks man, appreciate it!

  5. Hi Bas, very proud to contribute to your projet, I’m a fan of your blog, your articles are each time so clear and easy to understand ;-) Congratulations ! I wish you all the success you deserve !

    1. Bas van Kaam Avatar

      Hi Fred, that is really great to hear, thank you!

  6. […] Details about the book can be found atย https://www.basvankaam.com/2016/05/16/available-now-my-book-inside-citrix-the-flexcast-management-arc…. […]

  7. John Gallacher Avatar

    Hi Bas, I look forward to a good read, just picked it up from Amazon, keep up the stellar work mate, John

    1. Bas van Kaam Avatar

      That’s great, thank you John!

  8. Hamza Moinuddin Avatar

    Hi Bas, Would you recommend this book for a total beginner? If not this, can you suggest any other book that may help me to get started with Citrix XenDesktop/App please?

    1. Bas van Kaam Avatar

      Hi Hamza, yes I would say so. Some concepts might be a bit harder to get your head around, though it will be hard to find a book where that doesn’t happen. My book also discusses how Citrix got to where they are today, timelines, some history and so on. The book includes basic as well as advanced concepts. Even if you would go with a more basic book overall, it never helps to dig in a bit deeper on certain concepts/technologies. Hope this helps — good luck on your Citrix (studying) journey.

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