A few moths ago, back in June, Mick Glover and I gave a presentation at the E2EVC in Berlin. Our topic was FMA Power Management. We talked about what it is, how it works, where to configure it, some specificsย you need to be aware of before considering or implementing Power Management, what some of the advantages are, some of the things still missing and we gave a few examples on some more advanced Power Management features using PowerShell including a brief look into the future of Power Management.
Of course we also spend a few minutes on our own personal initiative, the FMA Internals Co-op. Have a look & listen below. Personally I was still a bit shaky (though I really enjoyed the ‘learning’ experience), hopefully you like it. A big thank you to Alex for having us and recording and sharing the video. If you are interested in some of the other E2EVC recordings, from Berlin and earlier events, I suggest you takeย a look at their ‘ThePubForum’ Youtube channel, some great content on there!