Throughout the years I have written hundreds of tech articles, blog-posts, and multiple e-books / cheat sheets. Next to that I’ve also authored and co-authored two full blown books, shown below. Here you’ll find there descriptions including links you might want to use to get your own personal copy.

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Why this book? Throughout the year we spend a great deal of time studying, testing, fixing (and breaking) stuff, helping customers, colleagues, attending conferences, webinars, and so on. It would be a waste to keep it all to ourselves, right? After a period of 3 months, we received a total number of 152 submissions from all over the globe (20 countries), which we think is truly awesome.

All together 140 people contributed. Byte-Sized is our (small) way of giving back, in the form of Cloud related design principles, architectural recommendations, tips, tricks, best and/or common practices, (funny) quotes, you name it. Hopefully, everyone who picked up a copy, either paperback or digital will take something useful away from it in their journey to the Cloud. All the best, Bas and Christiaan.

Download your free copy here

Inside Citrix โ€“ The FlexCast Management Architecture focuses on the FMA, mainly from an architectural point of view. It will discuss, in detail all of its main components and services, their primary roles and responsibilities, including some of the most common optional components, features and/or closely related technologies. From the basics to deep (er) dives where applicable, I will make sure to include something for everybody. Do note that this book is not meant as an installation and/or how-to manual, instead it will dive deeper into the FMA, the true foundation of Citrix XenDesktop and XenApp.

Topics include but are not limited to: A deep dive into the FMAโ€™s main services, its evolution, a detailed overview on the user authentication, application enumeration and launch processes, Citrix printing, the ICA / HDX protocol, application delivery, MCS, PVS, troubleshooting, some history, fun facts and figures and (much) more. I have concluded each chapter with multiple key takeaways (a few hundred in total) and also included over 100 so-called FMA facts throughout the various chapters.

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